Randi Hardy

Freelance Projects
I am currently working as a content editor for Racetri, an organization that hosts triathlons across the state of Utah. This project has included research, audits, and re-writing and organizing a new website in development.

Web Content Editor
Racetri Website
Manuscript Editor #1
The Anatomy of the Sentence - Amy Brumfield
This project was part of the ENG 452 - Advanced Professional Writing course at BYU-Idaho. I worked with a team of about 10 other students to content-edit a manuscript and deliver a recommendation report to the client.
Manuscript Editor #2
The Opposite of Regret - Jeff Slagle
This project was part of the ENG 326 - Editing course at BYU-Idaho. I collaborated with one other student on this content edit and client report for a real-world client. The final deliverable was created using Adobe Illustrator and showcases my ability to content-edit and collaborate with others.
Family History Book
Getting Started on Your Family History
An informational booklet I wrote to help those who teach Family History show others how to perform searches and participate in their Family History. A good friend, Evan Romrell, helped in creating this book.

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