Randi Hardy

My Work
I've completed freelance projects for real-world clients. These projects include client reports and recommendation reports that were presented to the clients at the end of the project. These projects showcase my ability to content-edit and create professional documents for presentation.

Freelance Projects
I've had the opportunity to created magazines myself, in teams, and write articles that were featured inside of magazines. These projects showcase my ability to work inside a team and write, edit, organize, and present information in an interesting and creative way.
While earning my bachelor's degree I had several opportunities to write academic research papers and literary analysis papers. These papers showcase my ability to research, write, edit, analyze, and cite sources correctly using MLA and APA citations.
Coming Soon!
I have a passion for genealogical and family history work. As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I enjoy showing others how to find their ancestors and prepare to take names to the temple to perform saving ordinances. These documents showcase my ability to perform research, organize, and keep track of several moving parts of a project at once.

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