Randi Hardy

Academic Research
A research paper I wrote for an English class at Brigham Young University - Idaho. This paper took a total of 2 months to complete and I earned an A- on the final draft.

Argumentative Synthesis Paper
Completed 2015
Internship Portfolio
Completed 2017
I completed an internship for the Online Curriculum Department at Brigham Young University - Idaho. This is the portfolio of my work I presented to my internship coordinator at the end of the semester.
Explanatory Synthesis Paper
Completed 2014
The first major paper I wrote during my time at Brigham Young University - Idaho. This paper was a challenge because it wasn't meant to be informational rather than argumentative, which was something I had done in almost every other English class.
MFA Degree Paper and Presentation
Completed 2016 | Coming Soon!
Another research paper with an accompanying PowerPoint presentation that was completed for an assignment at Brigham Young University - Idaho.

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